12 Must-Do’s When Moving to Vermont

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If a relocation to the Green Mountain State is on your horizon, it’s time to start getting things in order! You’re about to move to one of the most scenic places on earth and meet some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. But for your move to go smoothly, you will want to plan well ahead of moving day. Here are some tasks from Sherwood Real Estate to check off of your moving checklist:

Strategize and Declutter

Let’s start with the basics of prepping for a move. Here are some essential strategizing and organizing tips:

  • Estimate how much your move will cost, and create a budget that you can stick to. 
  • Determine whether you will hire professional movers or do everything yourself; most people realize that it’s well worth the investment to go with the pros!
  • Purge your belongings, and decide what to take with you to your new home, what to sell or donate, and what to throw away. 
  • Then, start packing your belongings; make sure you pack one room at a time, categorize your items, and label your boxes accordingly. 

Let Businesses Know You’re Moving

You may know that you’re moving, but there are other people who need that information as well!

  • Cancel your current utilities and contact your new companies to set up electricity, heating fuel, water, and other utilities. 
  • Research your new area to find out which internet providers offer the best coverage. 
  • Contact any government agencies that need to know of your address change, such as the DMV, IRS, Postal Service, and Voter Registration Office. 
  • Put together a healthcare team (e.g., physician, dentist, optometrist, etc.), and find a pharmacy near your new home. 

Tackle Moving Day

When it comes time to make the move, here are some things you will want to take care of:

  • Check your old home one more time for anything you may have missed; make sure you’ve packed everything you need, do a quick cleaning, and turn off the water, HVAC, and lights. 
  • Meet with your movers, and be sure to remain available throughout the entire relocation in case they need guidance. 
  • When you arrive at your new home, unpack bedding and kitchen essentials first so that you can ensure you have a comfortable evening. 
  • Finally, unpack one room at a time, and organize as you go for a less stressful experience. 

Congratulations on your decision to move to Vermont! You will have plenty of things to think about as you prepare for your relocation. Just remember the tips above, and keep researching other ways that you can make the moving process go smoothly and settle into your new home quickly!

Do you need an experienced real estate agent in Vermont? Contact Sherwood Real Estate today!

1 thought on “12 Must-Do’s When Moving to Vermont”

  1. Just moved to Vermont last year and Sherwood Real Estate’s tips were a lifesaver! The emphasis on decluttering made our transition so much smoother, and our first night in our new home was comfy thanks to prioritizing unpacking the bedding. Highly recommend these tips to anyone making the move!

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